Its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes (such as missile detection).
HAARP uses a super-heated multi-billion watt beam to punch a hole in the ionosphere, which then can be directed to any point in the globe.
The HAARP program operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska.
The most prominent instrument at the HAARP Station is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), a high power transmitter facility operating in the high frequency range. The IRI is used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere. Other instruments, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde and an induction magnetometer, are used to study the physical processes that occur in the excited region.
Work on the HAARP Station began in 1993. The current working IRI was completed in 2007, and its prime contractor was BAE Advanced Technologies.
As of 2008, HAARP had incurred around $250 million in tax-funded construction and operating costs.
Whoa…wait a minute, ENHANCEMENT?
The military is love with this term. The dictionary’s definition for this is; “an improvement that makes something more agreeable”. It seems that every time man intercedes with mother nature, you can be sure to hear “enhancement” following shortly thereafter.
To accurately explain the real purpose of HAARP we have to travel back in time to the days of the Reagan administration and Reagan’s “STAR WARS” program.
In 1983, the Strategic Defense Initiative was a creation and the brainchild of the Reagan administration. For those who may not been alive in the 80′s, this initiative was designed for the protection from ballistic nuclear missles from who else? the Soviet Union.
SDI was and still is essentially the adult version of the popular game in the 70′s “Missle Command”. The idea was to shoot down a missle attack in the upper atmosphere with various laser deployments. Yes…various..more than one type.
Using a series of missles launched from submarines or, later on, satellites, during the critical seconds following a Soviet attack. The satellites would be powered by built-in nuclear warheads – in theory, the energy from the warhead detonation would be used to pump a series of laser emitters in the missiles or satellites, allowing each satellite to shoot down many incoming warheads simultaneously.
A laser that obtains its energy from a chemical reaction. Chemical lasers can achieve continuous wave output with power reaching to megawatt levels. They are used in industry for cutting and drilling, and in military as directed-energy weapons.
AHH..DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS…like HAARP..we’ll get to that soon.
Is an accelerated stream of charged particles or neutrons (often moving at very near the speed of light) which may be directed by magnets and focused by electrostatic lenses, although they may also be self-focusing.
The general idea of particle-beam weaponry is to hit a target object with a stream of accelerated particles moving at near the speed of light and therefore carrying tremendous kinetic energy; the particles transfer their kinetic energy to the atoms in the molecules of the target upon striking, much as a cue ball transfers its energy to the racked balls in billiards, thus exciting the target’s atoms and superheating the target object in a short time, leading to explosion either of the surface layer or the interior of the target. Ouch!
Hypervelocity Rail Gun (CHECMATE)
A hypervelocity rail gun works very much like a particle accelerator insofar as it converts electrical potential energy into kinetic energy imparted to the projectile. A conductive pellet (the projectile) is attracted down the rails by electric current flowing through a rail. Through the magnetic forces that this system achieves, a force is exerted on the projectile moving it down the rail. Railguns can generate muzzle-velocities in excess of 24 miles per second. At this velocity, even a rifle-bullet sized projectile will penetrate the front armor of a main battle tank, let alone a thinly protected missile guidance system.
We like this one. You might remember the hand held version in the action movie “Eraser”. Of course there is’nt such a weapon, hand held that is, and the one the government has only a two shot per day capability.
Or so they would have us believe.
Many of these weapon systems violate global treaties. Which now brings us to the subject of HAARP.
HAARP’s main goal is basic science research of the uppermost portion of the atmosphere, known as the ionosphere.
Essentially a transition between the atmosphere and the magnetosphere, the ionosphere is where the atmosphere is thin enough that the sun’s x-rays and UV rays can reach it, but thick enough that there are still enough molecules present to absorb those rays.
Consequently, the ionosphere consists of a rapid increase in density of free electrons, beginning at ~70 km, reaching a peak at ~300 km, and then falling off again as the atmosphere disappears entirely by ~1000 km. Various aspects of HAARP can study all of the main layers of the ionosphere.
The profile of the ionosphere, however, is highly variable, showing minute-to-minute changes, diurnal changes, seasonal changes, and year-to-year changes. This becomes particularly complicated near the Earth’s poles, where a host of physical processes (like auroral lights) are unlocked by the fact that the alignment of the Earth’s magnetic field is nearly vertical.
On the other hand, the ionosphere is traditionally very difficult to measure. Balloons cannot reach it because the air is too thin, but satellites cannot orbit there because the air is still too thick. Hence, most experiments on the ionosphere give only small pieces of information.
HAARP approaches the study of the ionosphere by following in the footsteps of an ionospheric heater called EISCAT near Tromsø, Norway. There, scientists pioneered exploration of the ionosphere by perturbing it with radio waves in the 2-10 MHz range, and studying how the ionosphere reacts.
HAARP performs the same functions but with more power, and a more flexible and agile HF beam.
Some of the main scientific findings from HAARP include:
Ionospheric heating
Plasma line observations
Stimulated electron emission observations
Gyro frequency heating research
Spread F observations
Airglow observations
Heating induced scintillation observations
VLF and ELF generation observations
Radio observations of meteors
Polar mesospheric summer echoes: PMSE have been studied using the IRI as a powerful radar, as well as with the 28 MHz radar, and the two VHF radars at 49 MHz and 139 MHz. The presence of multiple radars spanning both HF and VHF bands allows scientists to make comparative measurements that may someday lead to an understanding of the processes that form these elusive phenomena.
Research on extraterrestrial HF radar echos: the Lunar Echo experiment (2008).
Testing of SS-Spread Spectrum Transmitters 2009 Meteor shower impacts on the ionosphere.
Response and recovery of the ionosphere from solar flares and geomagnetic storms
The effect of ionospheric disturbances on GPS satellite signal quality.
HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, with individuals ascribing various hidden motives and capabilities to the project. Journalist Sharon Weinberger called HAARP “the Moby Dick of conspiracy theories” and said the popularity of conspiracy theories often overshadows the benefits HAARP may provide to the scientific community.
Skeptic computer scientist David Naiditch called HAARP “a magnet for conspiracy theorists”, saying the project has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and devastating earthquakes in Afghanistan and the Philippines aimed to “shake up” terrorists.
Naiditch says HAARP has been blamed for diverse events including major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, as well as the Columbine High School shootings.
Conspiracy theorists have also suggested links between HAARP and the work of Nikola Tesla (particularly potential combinations of HAARP energy with Tesla’s work on pneumatic small-scale earthquake generation) and physicist Bernard Eastlund. According to Naiditch, HAARP is an attractive target for conspiracy theorists because “its purpose seems deeply mysterious to the scientifically uninformed”.
Conspiracy theorists have also raised the possibility that HAARP may have played a role in the devastating, highly damaging earthquakes that occurred in Sichuan, China in 2008, and Haiti and Chile in 2010. An opinion piece on a Venezuelan state-run television channel’s website blamed HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
We believe this to be a truly untraceable weapon, which gives its user plausible deniability.” Controlling weather”? “Are you crazy” ?
Maybe, but we are not stupid.
When one ponders on the obvious, the United States is the only country to deploy an WMD on the world.
Source: HAARP: The Bastard Child of Reagan’s Star Wars Program
And: Wikipedia
And: Wikipedia
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